User Profile - khlody

ID 37150353
Level User (100)
Points 699700100 (Rank 2506)
Messages sent 2591 (Rank 2595)
Last seen 2025-01-02 17:59:12.813206+00:00
Last active in chat 2025-01-02 12:29:26.550282+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 3 months and 11 days
Time spent in offline chat 1 year and 8 months NotLikeThis
Permabanned on lacaribot No

Duel stats

Duels Total 15
Duels Won 11
Duels Lost 4
Winrate 73.33%
Profit from duels 1305000 points
Last duel 2023-12-28 08:51:50.313163+00:00
Longest Win Streak 5

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 658675036
Roulettes amount 54
Profit -401678972
Winrate 22.22%
Biggest winstreak 2
Biggest losestreak 12
Biggest win 99333384
Biggest loss -76400540

Roulette history

Time Diff
2024-10-17 17:35:54.131965+00:00 -9300
2024-09-20 23:22:38.923550+00:00 200
2024-07-09 20:35:33.110914+00:00 -9837840
2024-04-24 15:19:01.257178+00:00 2030670
2023-06-12 19:33:57.899416+00:00 99333384
2023-03-27 16:49:37.298606+00:00 -51814143
2023-03-16 03:07:22.550698+00:00 10000140
2023-03-11 19:30:27.650136+00:00 -62100725
2023-03-11 19:29:08.570328+00:00 -62100725
2023-03-05 16:28:26.447138+00:00 -76400540
2023-02-22 11:25:31.014733+00:00 -10850320
2023-02-17 14:18:44.627225+00:00 -1000074
2023-02-15 07:52:13.587261+00:00 -500000
2023-02-12 07:02:35.319802+00:00 -12011455
2023-02-08 11:19:46.969953+00:00 -24357920
2023-01-28 19:02:20.957448+00:00 -3000210
2023-01-19 16:32:00.970427+00:00 -7100350
2023-01-17 19:42:51.543333+00:00 -12302860
2023-01-13 02:18:07.598619+00:00 3100990
2023-01-12 00:37:38.876689+00:00 2100600
2023-01-07 20:42:40.146776+00:00 -3000130
2023-01-04 21:52:05.155173+00:00 -21024672
2022-12-25 23:11:12.891634+00:00 -19850650
2022-12-24 23:38:53.926919+00:00 -2011260
2022-12-19 19:17:47.706832+00:00 -4000540
2022-12-18 18:07:53.763594+00:00 -7000910
2022-12-15 16:48:03.177284+00:00 -17014680
2022-12-01 03:09:17.375410+00:00 -17827300
2022-11-23 17:36:41.157983+00:00 -3602250
2022-11-18 21:33:30.121892+00:00 -15401790
2022-11-15 09:12:42.173703+00:00 -560
2022-11-13 20:49:39.820735+00:00 -14762938
2022-11-09 11:58:11.070839+00:00 8021995
2022-11-08 12:07:57.937728+00:00 -100000
2022-11-04 10:51:23.226018+00:00 -7850550
2022-10-30 21:25:44.636806+00:00 -21018876
2022-10-23 22:29:15.725872+00:00 -19501965
2022-10-22 22:42:51.362999+00:00 1681128
2022-10-12 05:21:56.708392+00:00 -1700000
2022-09-02 11:07:03.150118+00:00 -15697288
2022-06-13 20:19:35.502705+00:00 2000580
2022-05-31 18:45:36.074874+00:00 -300570
2022-05-28 22:16:31.739966+00:00 -400000
2022-05-28 22:15:31.550201+00:00 -600000
2022-05-28 22:14:23.298453+00:00 -600440
2022-05-24 19:41:56.108190+00:00 -1126850
2022-05-20 13:43:32.076610+00:00 -50000
2022-05-09 15:49:39.826652+00:00 -1501500
2022-04-25 02:14:46.814902+00:00 100125
2022-04-25 02:13:11.995170+00:00 -100125
2022-04-20 00:59:22.114833+00:00 -733558
2022-04-11 23:12:24.438610+00:00 122650
2022-04-08 00:41:38.218737+00:00 -11140
2022-04-06 20:56:18.433204+00:00 5570