User Profile - machaero

Username machaero
ID 595389093
Level User (100)
Points 5624825000 (Rank 69)
Messages sent 31187 (Rank 206)
Last seen 2024-12-20 07:09:12.729537+00:00
Last active in chat 2024-12-19 10:49:14.920741+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 3 months and 2 days
Time spent in offline chat 1 month and 28 days
Permabanned on lacaribot No

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 238600924
Roulettes amount 16
Profit 100086444
Winrate 43.75%
Biggest winstreak 4
Biggest losestreak 2
Biggest win 166940603
Biggest loss -50000000

Roulette history

Time Diff
2023-12-11 14:43:43.067044+00:00 -50000000
2023-06-16 09:04:40.130790+00:00 -177013
2023-02-24 17:23:57.884178+00:00 166940603
2023-02-22 03:54:44.185554+00:00 -10000000
2022-12-27 10:10:53.850953+00:00 -433050
2022-12-20 15:40:24.709515+00:00 417198
2022-12-16 14:01:08.882691+00:00 -777777
2022-12-16 07:12:32.483877+00:00 417198
2022-12-11 00:46:27.085863+00:00 -7777777
2022-12-08 15:01:57.551439+00:00 -17713
2022-11-30 09:30:57.205033+00:00 417198
2022-06-29 22:07:24.631794+00:00 1151473
2022-04-07 13:33:06.868510+00:00 12
2022-04-07 10:29:45.123589+00:00 2
2022-04-07 09:08:34.117056+00:00 -69681
2022-04-07 07:42:47.184198+00:00 -4229